Monday 28 May 2012

digital detox

Hands up those of you who have some sort of online persona, OK plenty of hands up I see.  Right well how many of you have had this alias created and maintained by your husband? Ah…just me then.
A few months ago I introduced the Twitter application to my beloved not thinking he would be the slightest bit interested but oh how wrong I was.  Since that fateful evening I seem to have lost a part of him somewhere in the ether that I fear I may never get back. For want of a better word, he’s ADDICTED.  In some ways I’m really glad that he’s ‘hip’ and ‘bang on trend’ as those young folk say, but in another way I feel a little sad that most mornings and every evening is consumed by him tweeting and twittering about a load of old cobblers. 
I have to give it to him though, he’s only been on the site for 4 months and already he has 1,500 dedicated followers – an achievement not to be scoffed at! But it seems these days the only way I can get a brew out of him is to tweet the beast! 

So as I was saying about my newly acquired identity, dare I share it? ‘Tits Magoo’.  Oh the shame.  I’m going to say I don’t know why he has given me this nickname to save me from any further embarrassment; but I’m sure you can work it out for yourself!  And so now, on a regular basis his disciples get their routine updates about the life and times of Tits Magoo.  ‘Tits Magoo is doing this….’  ‘Tit’s Magoo is doing that…’ and when he’s not tweeting about me he’s declaring war on all those who wear 'Crocs'. Poor sods. In fact, he once created frenzy with the R.S.P.C.A when he threatened to shoot a duck after it turned its nose (well, beak) up at our Jacobs crackers!
Several months ago I met with a chap at a networking event (now a very good colleague of mine) where we talked about the prospects of a digital detox.  At first I was quite shocked.  A digital detox in this day and age! How would we cope? But after recent events I think I’d quite welcome it.  I’m not deluded, I know I am being completely contradictory here but I see this blog as my weekly therapy session more than anything else. 
Perhaps you think I may be jealous!?  And in a way I am, because all those lovely people who are following my fella seem to be getting the best of him yet, I’m left with a burnt out husk of a man with repetitive strain injury of the thumbs.

So how are you going to tackle this conundrum I hear you shout – in true feminine style my friends, I’ll go shopping!
Hugs and kisses
Miss Piggy x


  1. We love you Tits Magoo :) Your blog is so funny. Keep at it x
    Spangle x

  2. Fab! I look forward to your insights as they cheer my day.

  3. the life and times of tits magooo. hahaha i love it. so funny miss piggy - maybe you should make an alternative persona for your other half? what would you call him. x dpd

  4. Thanks for all you comments! :)

    I do have a nickname for my other half, in fact several. There's Juicy bum Jase, my little hairy flea, mardy bum...need I go on!

  5. Lurrrve it Lady xx


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